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Showing posts from December, 2019

Home Remedies for Healthy Life

Zinc-Rich Foods GOOD FOR : Healthy hair growth A lack of this nutrient can lead to hair loss and a dry scalp, so eat at least one of these zinc-packed foods every day (and up your intake if your mane looks dull): lentils, cashews, pumpkin seeds, pecans, low fat yogurt. X-tra energy booster GOOD FOR : Fatigue When you're feeling tired, you can increase oxygen flow and feel energized with this trick. Lie on the floor and place one blanket (folded like a pillow) under your head and another (rolled) under your upper back. Hold that position for 2 minutes as you take deep breaths. Pick-Me-Up Shower GOOD FOR : A mood booster Try a "contrast shower." Switching from hot to cold water is stimulating, and experts say it can help relieve gloominess by increasing circulation. Shower in warm water for 3 minutes, then quickly switch to chilly for 30 seconds. Repeat that cycle three times, ending on cold. Nutmeg GOOD FOR : Insomnia T