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Home Remedies for Healthy Life

Zinc-Rich Foods
GOOD FOR: Healthy hair growth
A lack of this nutrient can lead to hair loss and a dry scalp, so eat at least one of these zinc-packed foods every day (and up your intake if your mane looks dull): lentils, cashews, pumpkin seeds, pecans, low fat yogurt.

X-tra energy booster
GOOD FOR: Fatigue
When you're feeling tired, you can increase oxygen flow and feel energized with this trick. Lie on the floor and place one blanket (folded like a pillow) under your head and another (rolled) under your upper back. Hold that position for 2 minutes as you take deep breaths.

Pick-Me-Up Shower
GOOD FOR: A mood booster
Try a "contrast shower." Switching from hot to cold water is stimulating, and experts say it can help relieve gloominess by increasing circulation. Shower in warm water for 3 minutes, then quickly switch to chilly for 30 seconds. Repeat that cycle three times, ending on cold.

GOOD FOR: Insomnia
This spice is actually a mild sedative, so sprinkle ¼ tsp into warm milk and sip before you go to sleep.

GOOD FOR: Pimples
Wake up with a blemish? Dab a bit of honey on it in the morning. (You can leave it on all day, even under your makeup.) Honey works as an antiseptic to stop the growth of bacteria that can cause breakouts.

Flowering herb
GOOD FOR: Swelling
Knee throbbing? Try arnica ointment (found at drugstores) to ease the ache. Spread a thin amount onto the problem area two to three times a day.

Epsom salts
GOOD FOR: Dry, cracked skin
Smooth your elbows and heels with this inexpensive at-home treatment: Mix ½ cup Epsom salt with ½ cup water to make a paste. Exfoliate by gently massaging into rough areas, then rinsing with water.

Carrot Compress
GOOD FOR: Insect bites and stings
A carrot compress can help reduce inflammation and dry out insect bites and stings to take out the itch. Finely grate a carrot and wrap the pulp in a thin paper towel or cheesecloth. Place on swelling for 20 minutes, store in the refrigerator and repeat four times in 24 hours.

Blueberry water
GOOD FOR: Urinary tract infections
Just like cranberries, blueberries contain substances that prevent bacteria from sticking in your bladder. To ward off UTIs, combine 1 part unsweetened blueberry juice with 2 parts water and sip daily.

GOOD FOR: Toenail fungus
Icky-looking nails are common in the summer because yeast thrives in warm environments. So, twice a day, soak feet in a mixture of half white vinegar, half water. The vinegar kills fungus and gets rid of stains under the nail.


GOOD FOR: Cold sores
Licorice root can kill the viruses that cause herpes simplex around your mouth. Steep a licorice tea bag in warm water for 30 to 60 seconds, then apply for 3 to 5 minutes. Repeat daily until sores subside.

Quick Stroll
GOOD FOR: A brain jolt
When you're feeling mentally tired, go for a brisk 5-minute walk. Moving your muscles immediately increases the activity in your brain so you feel more awake and alert.

Avocado smoothie
GOOD FOR: Constipation
Avocados contain magnesium, a mineral that acts as a laxative by drawing water into the intestinal tract to keep things moving. For a stomach-soothing smoothie, blend ½ avocado, ½ cup raspberries, ½ cup unsweetened almond milk and a handful of ice.


  1. i hope this will be useful to you if you adopt healthy life and follow the tips


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